Individual and Organizational Behaviour
4: compare and contrast different models of organisational structure and culture

4. compare and contrast different models of organisational structure and culture
Fortunately, a website written by Chris Jarvis for the Brunel University Business Open Learning Archive (BOLA) gives us access to all of the materials that we need in this area. A suggestion is that you access only the following
  • Weber's Bureaucratic Model
  • Bureaucracy and Power
  • Burns and Stalker- mechanistic and organismic organisations
  • Pedler et. al: The Learning Company
  • What is Organisational Culture?
    All of these materials have been abstracted and put into one document as well.
  • - Organisational Form and Culture [BOLA]
    - Weber/ Burns & Stalker/ Pedler
    APEL task [max 500 words]
    Apply three models of organisational structure/culture to your own work environment.

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